United We Stand: A Day of Advocacy at Kellogg’s HQ with Wellness Warriors

United We Stand: A Day of Advocacy at Kellogg’s HQ with Wellness Warriors

Since our impactful gathering at Kellogg’s headquarters in Battle Creek, our mission has only gained momentum. Alongside over 1,000 dedicated wellness advocates, we delivered a powerful message backed by 417,000 signatures. Yet our work is far from over. Today, we are calling for a continued and strengthened boycott of all Kellogg products until they eliminate harmful additives from their food.


The Boycott Begins

In response to Kellogg’s refusal to commit to their 2015 promise of removing artificial colors, flavors, and other toxins from their cereals in the U.S.—despite already doing so in other countries—we have initiated a boycott. Collectively we seek to pressure Kellogg to prioritize health over profits by aligning their U.S. products with their international standards.

List of Brands to Boycott

We urge all Wellness Warriors to avoid purchasing any products from Kellogg until significant changes are made. Below are images of the Kellogg brands included in our boycott. These include popular cereals such as Frosted Flakes, Fruit Loops, and Corn Flakes, as well as snacks like Pringles and Pop-Tarts. By steering clear of these products, we can make our voices heard in a language that corporations understand: market demand.

How You Can Help

1. Boycott Kellogg Products: Refrain from purchasing any products from Kellogg brands listed in our boycott.
2. Sign and Share the Petition: If you haven’t already, please sign our petition urging Kellogg to eliminate toxic additives. Share the petition with friends, family, and on social media to help us gather more signatures and increase pressure on Kellogg.
3. Stay Informed: Follow our blog and subscribe to our newsletter for updates on this campaign and other wellness advocacy efforts.


Calling All Warriors: Join Us in Battle Creek or Sign the Petition for Safer, Healthier Children's Cereals

Tomorrow is a pivotal day for those committed to the health and well-being of our children. The Wellness Warrior Collective is supporting the influential Food Babe to present a vital petition to the executives at Kellogg’s headquarters. Lindsaya, Alicia, and Lindsey will meet with the larger community at Friendship Park, Battle Creek, at 10:30 AM. This gathering is a call to arms for every Michigander who champions healthier food options for our kids. If you're in the area, please join us for this critical event!



Why We Showing Up To Support Taking Action Against Kellogg

Despite Kellogg's 2015 promise to eliminate artificial colors and flavors from their cereals by 2018, they continue to include these ingredients in many products aimed at children, such as Minecraft Frosted Flakes and Disney's Little Mermaid Cereal. Six years past their deadline, these products still contain substances that could harm our children's health.

The Concern with Artificial Additives

  1. Artificial Colors: These substances, derived from petroleum, have been associated with hyperactivity and disruptions in children's immune systems. In Europe, products containing these colors must carry warning labels.

  2. Artificial Flavors: These are cost-effective synthetic mixtures made from crude oil or coal tar, replacing natural ingredients, which raises significant health concerns.

  3. Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT): A preservative linked to cancer risks in animal studies and known as an endocrine disruptor affecting hormone balance.

Kellogg's Has the Means to Improve

Even though Kellogg’s is due for a complete overhaul— we are merely requesting they apply the same standards they’ve already established in Europe and Australia, where cereals like Froot Loops and Unicorn Cereal are sold without these harmful additives. It's evident that Kellogg’s can manufacture healthier cereals, as they already do in other markets.

How You Can Support the Cause

If joining us in person at Battle Creek isn’t feasible, you can still contribute significantly by signing the online petition. By doing so, you help us urge Kellogg's to honor their commitment and prioritize the health of our children over profits.

Amplify Your Wellness Journey with Our App

In addition to signing the petition and joining us in person, we invite you to deepen your commitment to wellness by joining the Wellness Warrior HUB app. Our platform is designed to help you track your wellness journey, set and achieve personal health goals, and connect with a vibrant community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about making positive changes in their lives and the world.

Join the Movement, Sign the Petition, and Make a Difference!

Together, we can ensure our concerns are addressed and our children consume only the safest and healthiest foods. Your involvement is crucial in this endeavor to elevate food safety standards. Let's unite as Wellness Warriors and advocate for a healthier future for our children.




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Stop the weapon of destruction! We love our children!

Yolanda Christensen

No excuse to still have harmful colour agents in children’s breakfast foods.

Annelie Roux

We need to decide to provide nutrition not toxins to our children and families.

Maxine Ebegbuzie

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